Last Monday I had the chance to see @francesc talking on the Go London User Group. His talk was about best practices (and advices) when you are programming in Go.

Summarising it a little bit, I would say that some of the cases explained there are things that you are going to finish doing even without knowing that you are doing “best practices”, but they are other examples that are incredible useful and clever & I would love to assist to this conference few months ago.

At the beginning of the slides you are going to see an step-by-step refactoring which could (and should) be applied to any other language out there. You will realise of the major improvement on the readability of that piece of code. Francesc said that the refactored version could possibly be a little bit slower, but you will have in your power a piece of maintainable code.

If I need to choose one of the tricks showed, I would definitely go for the type switch on the (slide #8). Basically, you can receive an interface as parameter and do a quick casting to whatever kind of type that you want:

switch x := v.(type) {  // where v is an interface{}
case string:

I would say too that coming from a language like Python, it’s really easy to be temped to overuse that functionality :) What do you think?

Finally, here you have the slides enjoy them as I did!