I am a happy user of Spacemacs since few months ago. I was (and I still am) a vim user but Spacemacs provide you extremely good defaults and the installation of layers isn’t painful at all, things that I sadly can’t say about vim.

I ended up with a lot of configuration on my dot files and everytime I wanted to try, for example, a new language, it was difficult to get it working well.

So, now that you know why I did the change let me show you the key bindings that I find useful:

Please, share yours with me! @agonzalezro or leave a comment :)

PS: if you are starting in development I would start with Atom or some other editor. I moved from vim to Spacemacs because 1) I already knew some vim & 2) it works in terminal, and this is a must for me since I am a heavy user of tmux too.