4 minutes
Projects I didn’t do in 2017
If you know me you probably know that I am always complaining that I want to start some pet project that could give me some kind of income. The income is a nice incentive, but not for the income itself if not because it would be really nice to have somebody paying for a project that you started from scratch.
In 2017 I had some ideas that after further investigation or after just chatting with some friend about them I decided to not even start or think about them again.
Why am I sharing them? Because to be fair I don’t think I will never start them, also, maybe we can start a good brainstorm here!

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Tool to review Tweets
When I was working at Jobandtalent we had several problems deciding what to tweet in the eng account. This toold could help you to decide what to publish, fix errors on the tweets, etc (as you would do with Github PRs).
In the future, it should be available as well for Instagram, Facebook, etc..
Also, it should support bots via API to add comments, for example, about the grammar of the publication.
I started this one here: chimpin.io but the interest was near to zero.
Adventure tech book
A tech book in the style of “Choose your own adventure”.
It would be a book that would immerse you in an adventure where you should take tech decisions: would you use git or rather copy/paste the folder adding a suffix? One of them will end up in dead, you decide.
Search adventures
Something like booking but for activities, ex: I want to do karting in Madrid next Saturday, show me the deals.
It would scrape the deals from different sources (not sure if it would even be legal, but I didn’t give it that much thought).
Track your friends
I am pretty bad at keeping in touch with my friends/colleagues. This tool will remember you through a simple algorithm when you need to do it! But… maybe I should fix myself and not use an app like this one 😬
Status page
Yet another application that let you know create a status page for your site. It should be reliable, support theming and have nice graphs about the uptimes.
Logstash rescuetime
I use rescuetime to track where do I spend my time with the computer. I thought that having that information in logstash would help me to create nice dashboards about my performance.
Probably I would spend more time creating the nice dashboards than doing real job.
Crypto present
Nice real life packaging for cryptos. Imagine you are going to a birthday and instead of giving a 20 bucks present you give them a nice package with a hash code that represent its crypto? Wouldn’t that be nice? (Or not, that’ the problem with crypto).
Starter pack for wood
Sell packs to start working with wood. For example: a knife + a piece of wood + some instruction to create a spoon. All of it presented in a beautful package.
The problem with this is that the recurrent users after they have the tools is going to be minimal.
Web for creating real life exams
Teachers spend a lot of time preparing their exams, this tool would help them (collaborative) to tag exercises and the time it needs to be done. With a proper base of users they could plug&play the exams.
Imagine a Spanish teacher that want to do an exam about “infinitive form”, the tool could show some exercise and he/she will decide what to use and how many do they need depending on the time the exam should take.
I have some other ideas but they are fully techie so not that interesting for my purpose: ansible vendor tool, a Kubernetes bot for botella (this one is almost done, but the usability isn’t that good 😅), pprof
exporter for Prometheus, ditto for Nats…