Some time ago I read about TeeReader but to be fair, I didn’t give it that much thought. However, few month back I saw a video by @francesc and his nice use case and I wrote down a new item in my mental TODO list about things I wanted to use.

Last week I had the chance to do it; we have a service that requires reading a request body to check for a Status field and also it requires to store the raw request.

What we were doing in the first iteration was unmarshalling the full payload into a struct and marshal the struct as the raw data. This process wasn’t very reliable because it’s pretty easy to lose information in during the un/marshalling.

To solve it we had two options:

  1. Read all the body, store it in a variable and use that var as raw data and as an input to the Unmarshal call. Not very neat as you are not taking advantages of the decoding streams.
  2. Use the TeeReader.

Here is an example (not with real names tho.) of what we end up doing:

type Payload struct {
    Status int

func getStatusAndReason(r io.Reader) (string, string, error) {
        var buf bytes.Buffer
        tee := io.TeeReader(r, &buf)

        var payload Payload
        err := json.NewDecoder(tee).Decode(&payload)

        return payload.Status, buf.String(), err

I hope you liked our use case, and in case you would do in any other way, please, do let me know! It’s always nice learning from your experiences 😀