How to prepare the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam

Finally last weekend I did the CKA exam, I was procrastinating it a bit in part because I didn’t know what to expect since Kubernetes is huge and I thought that each day extra I spend reading about it would help me. TLDR; I did pass the exam and if you work daily with Kubernetes or variants as Openshift you will be ok, they are not trying to catch you in some weird question that not even Kelsey would know how to answer πŸ˜€
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Closing 2016, a list of talks I gave

Thanks @rais38 for the photo! We are almost at the end of January but I didn’t want to end the first month of the year without doing a small recap of the talks I gave last year. When I moved to Spain at the end of 2015 I said to myself that I didn’t want to forget the little English I knew so I needed to force myself to keep traveling outside of Spain and to do some public speaking.
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Scheduling Your Kubernetes Pods With Elixir

This was originally posted on Kelsey Hightower gave a really interesting talk at ContainerSched about how to create your own scheduler using the Kubernetes HTTP API. The talk was awesome. It’s incredible to see what kind of things you can do with a base system as good as Kubernetes. However, I missed one thing. The example provided by Kelsey was a Go application. Which is the main language used with Kubernetes.
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Using Kong with Kubernetes

This was originally posted on If you don’t know about Kong yet, you should take a look. It’s an Open Source API Gateway, they define themselves as: “The open-source management layer for APIs, delivering high performance and reliability.” and they are quite right. I was playing with Kong lately at work (, we are hiring!) and I think that it could be pretty awesome as a entry layer to your microservices platform running in Kubernetes.
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Kubernetes volume plugins and Flocker

Last month I was working with the guys from Jetstack & ClusterHQ developing a plugina for Kubernetes that will allow the people to easily use Flocker there. Yesterday I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with Rimas Mocevicius, Kelsey Hightower & Ivan Pedrazas at the Kubernetes London meetup to present the plugin and show the audience that creating volume plugins for Kubernetes is easier than it looks at the first glance.
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How to deploy and update a python app using Kubernetes

Two days ago I gave a small talk in the DJUGL (Django User Group London) explaining how we could deploy a test application into Kubernetes. This post is going to explain something pretty similar, how to deploy a Flask app into Kubernetes and how to rolling update it. Before starting, you can find all the materials of this post in my k8s-py-example repo. Download the app and build it twice, one for each of the version that you want to deploy.
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