Closing 2016, a list of talks I gave

Thanks @rais38 for the photo! We are almost at the end of January but I didn’t want to end the first month of the year without doing a small recap of the talks I gave last year. When I moved to Spain at the end of 2015 I said to myself that I didn’t want to forget the little English I knew so I needed to force myself to keep traveling outside of Spain and to do some public speaking.
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Graph your group with Neo4J and some Go

Last days I’ve been spending sometime in a small project for fun. Sadly I couldn’t do anything for production so I hacked gotagmee which is a tiny thingy that will created some goroutines to get all the members in a group with their interests and store them in a Neo4J DB as Member or Topic entities with their respective relations. I wrote this because I wanted to get the data, but then I realised that this piece of code is pretty neat (check the github repo for the original):
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Draw (and more) your architecture with Neo4J

As some of you already know I work at Green Man Gaming (mainly at the playfire project). We were planning to do some changes in our architecture but it’s extremely hard to have an idea of all our services and DBs in just a piece of A4 paper. I was trying, trust me, but it was impossible. When I started with this task I did it with lucidchart, after it got so messy I moved to graphviz, but even with the usual good graphs that I get from graphviz it was impossible to get something readable this time.
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